The Swipe String Cleaner, Blue

By The Swipe

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The Swipe - String Cleaner Blue - Clean under your strings

In the course of time, instrument strings lose their tone, clarity, brightness and eventually become tarnished. Many musicians wipe the surface of their strings after playing, but most of the dirt is actually forced under the strings and is then almost impossible to remove. The Swipe easily removes the harmful grime and dirt build up, not only from the tops of the strings, but more importantly, from underneath, giving the strings a longer life, as well as extending the period of tonal clarity. Makes playing feel smoother and newer. Fits easily into pockets and instrument cases.

Customer reviews:

Rating Summary
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09/08/2023 11:44
Glasgow, United Kingdom



Pros: Amazing, cleans the fingerboard like new

Cons: None

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27/03/2023 19:43
Basingstoke, United Kingdom


Better sound

Pros: It cleans strings well.

Cons: None

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