By Pirastro
With Silvery Steel ball end E
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£82.92 | |
With Silvery Steel loop end E
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£82.92 | |
With Goldplated ball end E
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£89.93 | |
With Goldplated loop end E
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£89.93 |
The market leader in professional grade orchestral strings. Set of 4 in medium tension. Choice of steel or gold plated E. Intense and brilliant sound with the widest possible dynamic range. These strings are best suited to advanced student and professional players and work best on high quality instruments.
Available in three tensions, Evah Pirazzi strings have a core made from a modern synthetic multifilament fibre which contributes to a very intensive and powerful sound. Ideally suited to orchestral and solo playing.
The strings have outstanding playability and exceptional response at any of the dynamic levels, a complex sound, rich with overtones based on a brilliant core sound and enormous projection.
Expressive, with great nuances and enormous dynamic range combined with outstanding tuning stability. These strings are absolutely insensitive to variations in temperature and humidity and are also suitable for electric violins or violins equipped with piezo-pickups
E-Goldsteel option: This string is more brilliant and powerful sound than the Silvery Steel E-string. This string has a different sound profile from Oliv and Obligato Goldsteel E-strings.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Big, rich , powerful sound. Good even tone across the string range. Noticeable improvement on Obligato's, as they hold their tune better and give this modern Italien violin (very nice mid 20th century) incredible volume, extra overtones and sheer power with no harshness. Definitely good for the soloist or serious player. Have tried Dominants and Obligato's on this favourite violin of mine, but from now on will be buying only Eva Pirazzi's. Pricey, but well worth it for the extra all round va va voom you get from a quality instrument to start with.The feel of the string under the left hand is smooth and fast, with no 'drag' whatsoever - really excellent. The bow 'bites' well into the string, and although the strings really come into their own at forte and fortissimo playing, they respond very well indeed at p and pp, with no sudden horrible weakness of tone or underlying inconsistency of response, which I've found with some other strings. I most highly recommend these strings.
Cons: The E string broke before it was even played - broke is it was being would up to tune.Had ordered a spare and put that one - just fine.
Other: The standard non-gold E string is very loud and incredibly powerful. Unl;ess your violin has the right playng characteristics, a less strident string in the range might suit your violin better, so consider a gold one to start off with.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: These are by far my favourite violin strings. They play in quickly, feel excellent on my 1820 Bologna violin and blend well in chamber music, yet project fantastically in Concertos I recommend them to all my violin students
Cons: None
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found the following review helpful
Pros: I play violin in orchestras, Irish and Scottish bands and restaurant duos. I have one accoustic and one electric violin. Evah Pirazzi Strings quickly "play in", keep their sweet tone and only need minor tuning adjustments. They also last longer. They are good value for money.
Cons: I wish they were cheaper but one has to pay for quality.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: These are lovely strings. I've been using them on my wonderful 1770 Richard Duke for several years now and find them not only to be very responsive but also to have a gorgeous depth of tone. I've just done a set-up for a colleague and replaced her old strings with Evahs. She is delighted with the result.
Cons: My only slight gripe is the gold e-string. It's sound is excellent but there is a tendency for the gold plating to wear off fairly quickly. When that happens, the tone of the string deteriorates quite quickly. I do a great deal of playing, though, so it's not a major grumble. I still think they're some of the best strings I've come across.
Other: I have found the String Zone service to be top notch. With its speed and reliability it's a boon when you need new strings in a hurry. I will certainly continue to use it.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Good strings from Pirastro which don't go off as quickly as some of there other labels. These strings give a nice even warm tone and are quick to settle in. I've never had a bad set and will happily use again.
Cons: None that I can think of.
Other: Obviously every violin reacts differently to a set of strings but I do recommend these as a good solid brand for both professional and amateur players alike.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Good strings for every day playing
Cons: E string broke within hours Require alot of playing in
Other: Sadly my e string snapped a few hours after putting it on. I emailed string zone and have yet to receive a reply. I have also written to string zone before when a string broke and never received a reply - not very good after care for customers. I am professional violinist who plays everyday and I know how to put strings on properly so the breakage was not my fault.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: These strings are awesome! I upgraded from Dominants, the difference in sound is huge. My violin is louder and more focused. Even the E sounds nicer.
Cons: They do cost more, but worth it.
Other: Will be back for more.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: These strings are wonderful. They improved the sound quality on my violin so much that people thought I changed violins.
Cons: The strings lose their dynamic range as they settle but are great to put on a few days before a concert.
Other: If you are thinking of changing strings this is definitely one to try.
Keen Amateur
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Lovely tone: brings the violin alive. Bargain price too!
Cons: None
Other: I've only ever used Dominant strings as this is what the violin came with. One broke in a rehearsal and I borrowd a Eudoxa which I was really pleased with, so I bought a set of Evah Pirazzi at a knock down price. The result is terrific. It's brought out a very different character in the instrument and I think there's a wider palette of tone now.
Keen Amateur
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Good, deep sounding strings, also sound well together. A big improvement from the Obligato strings I've used for several years.
Cons: E-string seems to deteriorate rapidly, with loss of sound quality as an effect. Fortunately not too expensive, so changing E's frequently comes at not great cost.